Ever wonder if that email you’ve been waiting for is in your inbox and you are nowhere near a computer? How about scheduling a meeting while having coffee at your favorite coffee shop?
UST offers Exchange Active Sync (EAS), which enables users to synchronize their mobile phones with their UST mailbox. Users can synchronize email messages, calendar information, along with contacts. EAS, supported by the most popular smart phones, is easy to configure and the most secure method to stay in touch right from your smart phone. EAS also allows you to passcode your device in the event it is lost or stolen, keeping unwanted eyes from viewing your personal information. In the event your phone is lost or stolen, you even have the ability to erase its contents from within your Outlook Web App account giving you peace of mind that your data is safe.
To get started, check your device's manufacturer’s website to determine if your phone supports EAS; alternatively, you can check with your phone's service provider to see if your particular make and model of phone is compatible with EAS. Once you know for sure that your phone will work with EAS, have a look at the IRT website for the settings needed to configure your phone.
If you find your phone is not compatible with EAS, you can still receive your email by forwarding it to a secondary email account that you have configured on your phone. Have a look at the Outlook Web App (OWA) FAQ for assistance with forwarding your UST email to an alternative address.