Movers to start hauling famous Winton guest house to
House-moving crews next week will begin trucking segments of the world-renowned, Frank Gehry-designed Winton guest house from its current Wayzata location to the
The home’s former owner, real estate developer Kirt Woodhouse, donated the guest house to the
While rainy weather set the crew behind schedule, Larry Stubbs, owner of
Each section will be moved individually, by truck, over the next few weeks. The two bedrooms – one built using beige
By the end of next week Stubbs and his crew also hope to disconnect and load for transport the unusual home’s upper sleeping loft, the chimney top and the towering, pyramid-shaped segment that rests on top of the living room.
The final two sections to be moved will be the kitchen and the living room.
Once the home’s new foundation is poured, which Stubbs expects to take place soon after Thanksgiving, his group will begin reassembling the house, a process that should take another two to three weeks.
Stubbs said that although “everything is contingent on weather,” the project, including interior Sheetrocking after the house is reassembled, could be complete by the end of the year.
Read the original Bulletin Today story on the Winton guest house here.