The Terrence J. Murphy Institute for Catholic Thought, Law, and Public Policy has expanded eligibility for its Murphy Scholars fellowship program to include all J.D. students.
The program previously was open exclusively to those enrolled in the joint J.D./M.A. program at the University of St. Thomas. It is now open to students enrolled in either program independently.
Murphy Scholars receive a stipend of $1,000 for each semester of their fellowship and are invited to participate in the full range of interdisciplinary programming offered by the Murphy Institute, from public talks to private faculty seminars and roundtables. They are given exclusive access to the Murphy Institute’s impressive array of guests, and participate in interdisciplinary scholarly exchanges, and art and social events. They also may be invited to assist in research projects, public policy analysis, curriculum development and event planning.
The Murphy Institute works to engage both the public and the academic community in rigorous discussions that bring historical and contemporary Catholic perspectives to bear on debates in law and public policy. It is a joint venture of the University of St. Thomas Center for Catholic Studies and the School of Law, and is led by Law Professor Elizabeth Schiltz and Catholic Studies Professor William Junker.
Applications are due April 6 for fellowships beginning in fall 2018. Learn more.