New purchasing guidelines effective immediately for FY '09

New purchasing guidelines effective immediately for FY '09

From Controller's Office and Purchasing Services

Based on a recent audit of university purchasing practices, the Controller's Office and Purchasing Services have worked together to come up with some new guidelines for purchasing. These guidelines are still being updated and will be communicated in stages as details are finalized. The first stage is effective immediately (June 9) for any FY '09 purchases.

Goods (tangible items) vs. services
Beginning in FY '09, purchase orders should not be used for non-tangible items such as rentals, group travel, individual travel, catering, conferences, repairs, maintenance and software.  

Purchases of tangible goods, purchase orders and capital at $3,000, no standing orders
Beginning in FY '09, purchase orders will now be required for all goods totaling $3,000 or greater. Purchase orders should generally not be utilized for goods totaling less than $3,000. These products may be ordered via phone, Web, e-mail or any other method acceptable by the vendor and paid by current accounts payable methods, including WellsOne, Check Request and invoice stamp. Standing orders will be eliminated. The new level for capital purchases is $3,000 per item beginning in FY '09.

New vendors
All new vendors and any vendor changes must now be reviewed and pre-approved prior to entry into Banner. Departments working with new vendors must obtain an IRS Form W-9 from the vendor at the time of vendor setup and prior to the purchase/payment processes. All payment requests and new vendor documents need to be submitted to Accounts Payable by noon on Monday in order for a check to be processed on Thursday.

Please contact the following individuals with questions:

  • Budget: Allison Hanson, (651) 962-6189
  • Capital accounting: Gail Foote, (651) 962-6142
  • Order questions: Phyllis Meath, (651) 962-6381
  • New vendors: Joann Statsman, (651) 962-6385
  • Payment questions: Edie Dull, (651) 962-6382