In order to make electrical changes for the Anderson Athletic and Recreation Complex, and the Anderson Student Center, the Physical Plant will shut off power to the university's north campus from 12:30 until approximately 6 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 10.
Most of the buildings on the north campus will be without power during this time with the exception of Morrison and Flynn halls, and the buildings south of Summit Avenue; south campus will not lose power. Minimal lighting from emergency generators will be in place, which will keep the fire alarm systems and the access controls running. Elevators will not work in buildings where the power is out.
During the power outage, central computing systems may need to be powered down to prevent overheating. E-mail, the university’s connection to the Internet, Central Storage (MyStorage, Deptstore), Blackboard, Banner, printing, and the university’s phone system will be intermittently unavailable.
Students, faculty and staff may not be able to log on to UST computers during the outage. To reconnect to services such as e-mail on Tuesday morning it may be necessary for users to reboot their systems.
For more information call the Physical Plant, (651) 962-6530.