Online volunteer registration begins June 11 for UST’s State Fair booth
Yes, the smells of corn dogs and pickles on sticks are just around the corner. Last year nearly 200 volunteers worked at the award-winning St. Thomas booth at the Minnesota State Fair.
All of the help is much appreciated because, thanks to the still-popular UST purple bags, the St. Thomas booth was easily the busiest booth inside the Education Building. Bags have been spotted around town and as far away as Rochester, Minn.
The State Fair will run from Thursday, Aug. 23, through Monday, Sept. 3, and online registration for faculty, staff, students and alumni to volunteer at the UST booth will begin Monday, June 11; check out next week’s Bulletin Today for a link to the registration site.
This year, volunteers will continue to give away purple bags, which may be becoming a collector’s item as the design changes from year to year. Once again, bags will arrive at the booth de-tissued so that volunteers can enjoy handing them out to fair goers without dealing with a tissue paper mess.
Aside from handing out the giveaways, volunteers speak to potential students, reminisce with alumni and greet other State Fair goers. They also have a chance to meet others who work at UST and to share their knowledge and pride in the university.
Volunteering at the State Fair is a way to be part of the UST community; all volunteers will receive a free entry ticket and a free T-shirt.