Pick up your credit union Christmas Club check today
Christmas Club checks will be available during regular credit union hours from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. today, Thursday, Nov. 1, in the credit union office, Room 209, Loras Hall. The checks will contain all deposits made into the account from Nov. 1, 2006, through Oct. 31, 2007, plus a 2.5 percent annual dividend.
Checks not picked up at the credit union office today will be mailed out, via intercampus or U.S. mail, unless some other method of delivery has been specified. Call (651) 962-6660 or e-mail the credit union with special requests.
For those who have a Christmas Club account, the 2008 account is now automatically open for your deposits. For those who don't have a Christmas Club account, now is the perfect time to start one. Deposit to the account using automatic payroll deduction, or by sending checks or money orders (no cash accepted at the credit union) at any time. Withdrawals from the account are not allowed during the year.
If the money is needed, the account can be closed by withdrawing all the funds, but no dividend will be paid. For all funds that are open on the last day of the accounting period (currently Oct. 31, but that may chang in 2008) a dividend is paid on the funds and a check for the full amount is issued, allowing for guilt-free spending for the holidays.
Watch for your green envelope and enjoy spending the money you so wisely saved over the past year.
Questions? Contact the credit union, (651) 962-6660.