Dr. Shahid Alvi, Sociology Department, will be given the Critical Criminologist of the Year Award by the American Society of Criminology's Critical Criminology Division. The award will be presented at the society's annual meeting in Chicago. The award is given annually to an individual who best advances the causes of critical criminology through research, teaching and service.
Dr. Douglas Bass, Graduate Programs in Software, reports that his research assistants, Jeff Hemminger and Tolga Umut, are the authors of a paper, "Toward an Infrastructure for Improved User Experiences," which has been accepted for publication in the journal, Industrial Engineering. The editor of this issue is Miguel Garay of the Institut Superior Polytechnico Jose Antonio Echeverria in Havana, Cuba. They are the first Americans to publish in the journal. The issue is scheduled for publication in November, with distribution throughout Latin America.
Dr. Ellen Kennedy, Marketing and Sociology departments, recently was invited to review Fatal Collisions: The South Australian Frontier and the Violence of Memory by Foster, Hosking and Nettelbeck for Antipodes: A North American Journal of Australian Literature. The book takes six different accounts of 19th-century Aboriginal-settler violence in South Australia and examines the ways in which that violence has been remembered, distorted and recounted. Kennedy previously presented a paper on Aboriginal-settler violence at a conference of the Australian Studies Association of North America.
Dr. Paul Lorah, Geography Department, is the author an article, "Isolation in the West: From the Lycra Archipelago to the Siberia of Montana Highway Patrol Assignments." The paper used data on transportation networks, population distribution, trade networks and land use to locate the most isolated places in the United States. The paper will appear in the Journal of the West.
Donna DeWitt McGarry, College of Business, is author of "Perceiving a Pattern of Organization in a Family System," published in Systems Research and Behavioral Science, the official journal of the International Federation for Systems Research (Vol. 19, No. 5, September-October 2002).
Dr. Mark Neuzil, Journalism and Mass Communication Department, participated in a panel discussion on teaching environmental journalism at the annual conference of the Society of Environmental Journalists Oct. 12 in Baltimore, Md. Neuzil discussed the results of his Bush grant-funded teaching project. He is a ember of SEJ's board of directors.
Dr. Richard Raschio, Modern and Classical Languages, co-presented a workshop, Minnesota New Visions 2002, in which he and other presenters described a collaborative project with the Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Learning, the Minnesota Council on the Teaching of Languages and Cultures, and the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition. Two major aspects of the project were public relations and a promotional tool kit; these were presented to session attendees in order to gather feedback and ideas to further develop the project. The sssion was presented twice during the conference.
Dr. Rawlie Sullivan, Marketing Department, and Dr. Gagik Mkrtchian, Novosibirsk State University, Russia, recently gave a presentation, "The Current Market for Undergraduate and Graduate Business Education in Siberia," at the NISCUPP Business Conference sponsored by the Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs, Department of State. The conference, held in Washington, D.C., was designed for project directors from the United States and NIS countries.
Dr. Peter Vaill, Distinguished Chair in Management Education, College of Business, , was given the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Organization Development Network at its annual meeting in Montreal. ODN is an international assocation of several thousand academics, consultants and managers who seek to change organizations to make them both more effective in their missions and more humane and supportive paces to work. In June, Vaill was named co-Outstanding educator of the Year by the Organizational Behavior Teaching Society at its annual meeting. He shared the award with Professor Lee Bolman of the University of Missouri; Bolman is co-author of the best-selling management text of the past 15 years.