Dr. John Conbere, Organization Learning and Development Department, was a featured speaker for the ODNetwork, a monthly gathering of organization development consultants in Minnesota. His topic was OD and the development of modern conflict-management systems in organizations.
Students Krystyna Harrod and Ashlee Kerkhoff, St. Thomas orientation co-coordinators, recently attended the National Orientation Directors Association Region 5 conference in Iowa City. In addition to attending conference sessions, they participated in the undergraduate case-study competition and received an award for Best Problem-Solving Skills.
Dr. Michael Hennessey, Engineering and Technology Management Department, received a one-year, $15,000 Nontenured Faculty Grant award (second renewal) from 3M Corp., Maplewood. The grant is unrestricted and will be used to support applied research and design interests, with some student involvement, in mechanical systems and related areas of applied mathematics.
John Holst, School of Education, was a presenter on globalization in a program, "Haiti, Venezuela, Cuba: Resisting Globalization and Connecting to Africa and African-Americans," April 17 at the Resource Center of the Americas in Minneapolis.
Dr. Mitchell Kusy, Organization Learning and Development Department, presented an executive-development seminar March 29-30 at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Participants were vice presidents and CEOs of major organizations throughout New Zealand and Australia. In addition, Kusy initiated an association between the University of Auckland School of Business and UST's Organization Learning and Development Department. These associations will include opportunities for joint research, collaboration on virtual teaching technologies and internships for doctoral students.
Dr. Michael Sullivan, College of Business and UST's chief investment officer, was interviewed for "Fund Focus," a column in the April issue of Foundation & Endowment Money Management, a publication of Institutional Investor Inc.
Dr. John Wendt, College of Business, is author of the lead article, "WADA, Doping and THG," in the current issue of Entertainment and Sports Lawyer, the peer-reviewed publication of the American Bar Association Forum on the Entertainment and Sports Industries. The article focuses on the new World Anti-Doping Code, drug testing and the Olympic Games.
Dr. Fred Zimmerman, Engineering and Technology Management Department, presented a paper, "Outsourcing: How will the Face of Business Change?" to the 28th annual International business Law Institute sponsored by the Minnesota State Bar Association.