Professional notes
Dr. Michael Hennessey, Engineering Department, and Dr. Richard Smith, Quantitative Methods and Computer Science Department, presented papers at the 2004 North Midwest Regional Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education Oct. 8 in Milwaukee, Wis. Hennessey's paper was titled "Embedding a National Collegiate Design Contest Into a Course," and Smith's was titled "Extending the Spreadsheet to Illustrate Basic CPU Operations in a Computer Literacy Course."
Dr. John Holst, School of Education, presented a paper, "Paulo Freire in Chile, 1964-1969: Pedagogy of the Oppressed in its Socio-Political Economic Context," at the 2004 Latin American Studies Association Congress Oct. 7-9.
Sister Katarina Schuth, O.S.F., St. Paul Seminary School of Divinity, presented preliminary research on her sabbatical studies at a gathering of Henry Luce III Fellows in Theology Nov. 5 in Pittsburgh, Pa. Her topic: "Effective Ministry of Individual Pastors Serving Multiple Congregations." On Nov. 6 she and her research partner, Father Frederic Maples, S.J., addressed theological educators from U.S. and Canadian seminaries, also in Pittsburgh. Their topic: "The Character and Assessment of Learning for Religious Vocation: Report of an Interview Study of Roman Catholic Students and Faculty." Both studies will be published within a year.
Dr. John Spry, Economics Department, presented a paper, "Tax and Expenditure Limitations and the Median Voter," at the 2004 Annual Conference on Taxation of the National Tax Association in Minneapolis. He also served as a discussant for a session on government institutions and fiscal outcomes at the conference.
Dr. David Welch, Graduate School of Professional Psychology, has been named president-elect of the American Board of Counseling Psychology. He'll serve as president of the board from 2006 to 2008.