Professional notes
Dr. Mark Neuzil, Journalism and Mass Communication, presented the results of his research on the history of environmental journalism to a group of Knight Foundation environmental journalism fellows Oct. 22 in Burlington, Vt. Neuzil also organized a session for the same group on making story pitches to editors.
Dr. Ernest Owens, Opus College of Business, presented a seminar, "Success through Strategic Project Management," for the Lurie Besikof Lapidus Leadership Group and St. Thomas' Center for Business Excellence Nov. 2 in Minneapolis.
Dr. Shirley Polejewski, Accounting Department, presented a paper, "Transfer Pricing," at the 18th Asian-Pacific Conference of International Accounting Issues Oct. 18 in Maui, Hawaii. Polejewki also was a moderator of a section on accounting ethics. The conference represented the United States and countries from the Asian-Pacific Rim and Europe.