Professional notes
Dr. Stephen Brookfield, School of Education, is the author of an article, "Exploring the Connections Between Management and Adult Education," published in the Journal of Management Education, Vol. 30, No. 6 (2006).
Dr. Leslie Adrienne Miller, English Department, has received word that Poetry Daily plans to feature her poem, "The Flayed Angel," on Wednesday, Feb. 21. The poem is part of her new collection, The Resurrection Trade, which will be in bookstores on March 1.
Dr. Michelle Nordtorp-Madson, Art History Department and university curator, emceed the annual fashion show by senior clothing design students at the University of Minnesota College of Design on Feb. 17. This year's show, "Noise!" was held at the university's McNamara Alumni Center. Nordtorp-Madson is a former faculty member in the College of Design and still volunteers in its clothing design program.
Dr. Dawn Swink, Opus College of Business, is co-author of an article, "Caveat Vendor: Potential Progeny, Paternity and Product Liability Online," to be published as the lead article in the Brigham Young University Law Review, forthcoming in the fall.