Professional notes
Father James Lies, Center for Catholic Studies, and Dr. Tonia Bock, College of Arts and Sciences (Psychology Department), are co-authors of "What does it take to give? Moral identity, moral reasoning, and religiosity as predictors of civic engagement," published in Getting Involved: Global Citizenship Development and Sources of Moral Values (Sense Publishers, 2008).
Dr. Britain Scott, Dr. Elise Amel and Dr. Christie Manning, College of Arts and Sciences (Psychology Department), presented a paper, "Dangerous Boys and Daring Girls: Participating in Nature vs. Protecting It," in September at the Symposium for Society for Human Ecology in Bellingham, Wash. They were panelists for a session, "Shades of Green: Implications of Human Diversity for Environmental Education and Advocacy," which Scott chaired. Amel and Manning also are the co-authors of a chapter, "The Mechanics of Human Behavior," published in Packaging Sustainability (Wiley, 2008).
Dr. AnnMarie Thomas, School of Engineering, gave a presentation on the importance of fun in engineering education at the Technology, Entertainment and Design conference recently in Long Beach, Calif.