Professional notes
Susan Anderson, Academic Counseling, wrote a review of Academic Advising: A Comprehensive Handbook (Jossey Bass, 2008) edited by V.N. Gordon, W.R. Habley and T.J. Grites. The review is published in the spring issue of the National Academic Advising Association Journal (Vol. 29, No. 1). Anderson and Darcel Brommer, Academic Counseling, collaborated with advising colleague Irene Dombeck, of Normandale Community College, to present a pre-conference workshop, "What's Personality Got to Do With It? Utilizing the MBTI to Maximize Your Advising Skills," at the Region 6 conference of the National Academic Advising Association May 6 in Fargo, N.D.
Father James Burns, College of Applied Professional Studies (Graduate School of Professional Psychology), delivered the keynote address to the priests of the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, W.Va. at their annual convocation May 5-7. His address was titled "Leadership Styles and Functions: Achieving Your Ministerial Best With Fidelity and Courage." Burns also gave a talk titled "How are Clergy Really Doing? Effects of Priestly Mental Status and Morale on Leadership" based on his ongoing research on clergy well-being.
Dr. Vanessa Cornett-Murtada, College of Arts and Scineces (Music Department), presented a paper for the World Piano Conference May 7 at the Isidor Bajic Music School in Novi Sad, Serbia. The paper, "Music and the Brain: Psychology, Neuroscience, and Optimal Experience," as sponsored by the European Piano Teachers Associatio, which hosted professional music educators from 23 countries around the world.
Dr. John Holst, College of Applied Professional Studies (School of Education, Department of Leadership, Policy and Administration) presented a paper, "Ernesto Che Guevara, Global Social Justice, and Dispositions for Education," at a conference titled "The Measure of a Revolution: Cuba, 1959-2009" in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. He also chaired the panel, "Education Beyond the Classroom and Beyond Borders."