Dr. Stephen Brookfield, School of Education, is the author of a chapter, 'Teaching Through Discussion as the Exercise of Disciplinary Power," in To Improve the Academy, edited by Devorah Lieberman and Catherine Wehlburg (Boston: Anker Publishing Co., 2002).
Dr. Sharon Gibson, College of Business, gave a presentation, "How well Does It Work? Applying Distance Learning Strategies to Graduate Business Education," at the 50th annual conference of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education oct. 17-20 in Baltimore, Md. Gibson also conducted a workshop with Maureen Driscoll on "Market Pricing for the HR Generalist" Nov. 14 for the Twin Cities Human Resources Association.
Dr. Benjamin Korstvedt, Music Department, is the author of "'Harmonic Daring' and Symphonic Design in Bruckner's Sixth Symphony (An Essay in Historical Musical Analysis)" in Perspectives on Anton Bruckner (Ashgate Publishers). He also is the author of two recently published reviews: of Stephen McClatchie's Analyzing Wagner's Operas: Alfred Lorenz and German Nationalist Ideology in the Journal of the american Musicological Society, and of Bruckner-Probleme: Internationales Kolloquium, 7-9 Oktober 1996 in Berlin, edited by Albrecht Riethmüller in Music and Letters.
Dr. Nick Nissley, Organization Learning and Development Department, gave a presentation, "Change: What's Your Story?" to a group of Minneapolis Public Schools leaders. They explored approaches to facilitating organizational change in education, focusing on the process of appreciative storytelling.
Dr. Thomas Redshaw, English Department and Center for Irish Studies, is the author of "Antiquarian and Archival Icons," a bibliographical study of John Montague's The Rough Field (1972) and The Dead Kingdom (1984). It was published in a collection of essays honoring the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Dolmen Press, Ireland's leading literary publishing house. The essay collection, The Dolmen Press: A Celebration, was edited by Maurice Harmon and published in November by the Lilliput Press.