Dr. Mel Gray, Economics Department and visiting professor at theSimon School of Business and Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester, recently gave a presentation, "The Economic Foundations of Arts Participation," to faculty, students and staff of the Bolz Center for Arts Administration at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Dr. James Hundley, Modern and Classical Languages Deparment, presented a paper, "Business and Linguistics: Highlands vs. Lowlands in Latin America," at the CIBER 2002 conference, Global Interdependence and Language, Culture and Business March 16 in Chapel Hill, N.C. CIBER is a network of 28 universities across the United States designated by the U.S. Department of Education as centers for international business education and research.
Dr. Mitchell Kusy, Organization Learning and Development Department, and Dr. Louellen Essex, consultant and adjunct faculty member of the Management Center, will have their article, "Consulting in the Fast-Forward Lane: Helping Leaders Discard Seven Outmoded Practices," published in the next issue of OD Practitioner, an organization development practice journal. Kusy and Essex applied their research about the world's most successful leaders to the consulting profession. They interviewed leaders in diverse settings and companies, including AT&T, BMW, Medtronic, Motorola, Oracle, American Express, 3M, Northwest Area Foundation, Target Stores, Life USA, Ridgeview Medical Center, Los Angeles County and Texas Refinery Corp. The article was developed from their best-selling business book, Fast Forward Leadership.
Dr. Teresa Rothausen, Management Department, is author of a peer-reviewed article, "Gender: Work-Family Ideologies and Roles," for the Boston College Sloan Work and Family Research Network's Web site, Resources for Teaching Work and Family.