Public Safety implements Silent Witness Program
From the University of St. Thomas Public Safety Department
Public Safety announces the implementation of a new Silent Witness Program. This program is designed to enlist the help of the entire community and offers a reward of up to $500 for relevant information leading to the positive identification of individuals responsible for crimes on campus.
Through the Silent Witness Program, information about crimes on campus, including the recent racial slur and property damage offenses, can be directed to any Public Safety employee; through a secure, anonymous phone line at ( 651) 962-TIPS; or a secure, anonymous e-mail address at
If you want to share information anonymously, please use either of the new Tip Line options. To be considered for a cash reward, you will need to identify yourself through direct contact with Public Safety or when using the Tip Line.
All information should be considered important, no matter how inconsequential it may seem. When calling or writing, please leave as much detailed information as you can, including:
- Approximate age, height, weight, and details on hair, clothing, jewelry, scars, tattoos – anything noticeable.
- Area last seen and/or last known direction of travel.
- Any and all relevant details regarding why information is being reported.
Public Safety would like to thank you in advance for your assistance in making your campus community a more open and inviting environment.