Public Safety offers 50 percent off unpaid parking citations this week only
From Public Safety and Parking Services
To say "thank you for a great semester" and to provide students and employees with an opportunity to clear their records before the end of year, Public Safety offers 50 percent off the price of any unpaid parking citation(s), with no late fee charges and no questions asked, from today, Wednesday, May 9, through Friday, May 11, at the Public Safety office, first floor, Morrison Hall. Please bring the following information with you: your parking citation(s), license plate number and parking permit number, if applicable.
No exceptions will be made to the 50 percent discount offer outside the dates and times of this program. This offer is not applicable to citations already paid or billed. Remember that outstanding parking fines can be billed to student accounts at any time, and vehicles with three or more outstanding citations may be immobilized at any time with full citation fines, late fees and administration fees assessed at the driver's expense, so take advantage of this great opportunity now, as this discount has never been offered before and may never be offered again!
Questions? Call Parking Services, (651) 962-PARK.