Blessing of Albertus Magnus Chapel

On Nov. 30, at the dedication of the expansion of Sitzmann Hall, Archbishop Nienstedt was present to celebrate Mass. Following are excerpts from his homily. "It is, indeed, a very special grace to be present here today as this chapel, dedicated to Saint Albert the Great, is solemnly blessed and inaugurated as a place of…

On Nov. 30, at the dedication of the expansion of Sitzmann Hall, Archbishop Nienstedt was present to celebrate Mass. Following are excerpts from his homily.

"It is, indeed, a very special grace to be present here today as this chapel, dedicated to Saint Albert the Great, is solemnly blessed and inaugurated as a place of worship, prayer and meditation. On this occasion, I wish to offer a public word of congratulations and gratitude to Father Dease and his staff for their oversight of this project as well as a special word of thanks to those who contributed the financial resources to make it happen. At the same time, I want to offer a word of commendation to Dr. Don Briel for his leadership of the Center for Catholic Studies. Thanks in no small part to Dr. Briel's diligence, expertise and love for the Catholic Church, this Center for Catholic Studies is now world-renowned for its fidelity to the truths of the faith and its commitment to the great endeavor of Catholic theology – 'Faith seeking understanding.'

"Nov. 30 is the Feast of Saint Andrew the Apostle; hence in today's Holy Gospel, we hear of his call to discipleship, extended by Jesus Christ. …

"But as you know, the scene depicted in the Gospel of Matthew is not the only account of Andrew's vocation. In the opening scenes of the Gospel of John, Andrew … brings the future Peter to the Master. …

"Those enrolled in this Catholic Studies program are to be sent out to share the knowledge they have received in this building with a world struggling to find meaning and direction. The Christian message, that is, Jesus Christ, is not for any of us to keep to ourselves. …

"How providential that this chapel should be dedicated to Albert the Great on this feast of Saint Andrew. Just as Andrew brought Simon to Christ, so too Blessing of Albertus Magnus Chapel By Archbishop John C. Nienstedt Albert encouraged and called Thomas Aquinas to that greatness that was to be his, a greatness that had at its heart friendship with God. It is my sincere hope today that this chapel be a place that inspires all who come to it to draw closer to our Savior, fostering a deep and intimate friendship with Him. May this altar, soon to be blessed, be the source of Christ's presence to all who pursue their studies for the sake of knowing Him who made Andrew run to find his brother."

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