The Center for Ethical Business Cultures’ most recent research paper, “Dimensions of Ethical Business Cultures: Comparing Data From 13 Countries of Europe, Asia and the Americas,” was published in the May/June 2010 issue of Human Resource Development International (Vol. 13, No. 3). The paper, which was based on responses from more than 23,000 managers and employees, discusses salient differences between groups of countries and presents implications for HRD practice and research. The paper’s authors are Dr. Alexandre Ardichvili, CEBC fellow and associate professor at the University of Minnesota; Dr. Douglas Jondle, director of research for the Center for Ethical Business Cultures at the University of St. Thomas Opus College of Business; and Dr. Brenda Kowske, Kenexa Research Institute.
In addition, EvolveHR magazine (Vol. 3, No. 2) published “Assessing the Ethical Company,” which presents a solution for conceptualizing and measuring ethics, enabling leaders to move the needle toward a more ethical organization. The article’s authors are Dr. Douglas Jondle, Robert Shoemake, director of programs and membership for the Center for Ethical Business Cultures, and Dr. Brenda Kowske.
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