Registration closes May 14 for Faculty and Staff Golf Outing
Only one week remains before registration closes for the annual Faculty and Staff Golf Outing, which will be held Friday, May 23, at Oak Glen Golf Course in Stillwater. The registration deadline is Wednesday, May 14.
To register, fill out the online registration form. After completing the form, print it out and bring it with your payment to Pam Peterson between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. at the Business Office window, Room 116, Aquinas Hall.
All players must pay in advance of the tournament. Oak Glen requires final registration numbers by Friday, May 16; therefore, no refunds can be given after this date.
For more information call Paul Quam, (651) 962-6244; Ken Frank, (651) 962-6226; or Pam Peterson, (651) 962-6608.
Visit the Oak Glen Golf Course Web site for directions to the course.