Registration holds: Fix these or you won't be able to register
From the Office of the Registrar
Are you prepared for registration? Review the list below to make sure your priority registration isn't delayed.
You must see your adviser to register
All undergraduate day students have an adviser hold placed on their record. To remove this hold and be cleared to register, you must make an appointment and see your adviser. If you are unsure who your adviser is, his or her name is listed on Murphy Online, under "Check Your Registration Status," "Curriculum Information" (choose the program) or by contacting Academic Counseling, Room 119, O'Shaughnessy Educational Center, (651) 962-6300.
Past due accounts
All tuition accounts must be current in order to register. Be advised that the April minimum payment must be paid by April 19, 2009, to allow you to pre-register. Refer to your bill for the minimum payment amount and the status of your account. If you have questions about your past due balance, please call the Business Office account adviser at (651) 962-6610. If you are planning to use financial aid to pay your past due balance but your aid has not been updated to your tuition account, call the Financial Aid Office at (651) 962-6550.
Payment agreement forms
All students must have a signed payment agreement form on file with the Business Office prior to registration. Most students complete these forms as part of their application process. Notices will be sent to those students without a form on file. If you have questions regarding your payment agreement form, call the Business Office at (651) 962-6600.
High school transcripts
All day-undergraduate students must have a final high school transcript on file with the Admissions Office. Most students submitted this transcript after they received their diploma. Students without a final high school transcript will have a registration hold on their account. If you have questions regarding your final high school transcript, please call Liz Rear don, Enrollment Services, (651) 962-6158.
In accordance with state guidelines, all students are required to file an immunization record with Student Health Service (SHS). The dates of required immunizations can be entered online using Murphy Online following the directions below:
- Select Student Services and Financial Aid.
- Select Student Health Menu.
- Select Student Immunization, Health History and Physical Forms.
- Select Immunization Record.
- When you have completed entering all information, click Submit Form and Save. Once you have submitted and saved your information, you will not be able to make changes. Contact Student Health Service for changes at or (651) 962-6750.
Students who are missing immunization information will be sent a reminder notice. Immunization information often can be obtained from the student's previous high school or college. If you have questions, call Student Health Services, (651) 962-6750.