RHA challenges you to be the ‘Tommie Most Wanted’
The Residence Hall Association invites students to take part in a new free game, “Tommie Most Wanted,” to be held from midnight Sunday, April 23, to noon Friday, April 28.
Students who sign up will be given a florescent squirt gun and an information card about another participant. They must fill their squirt gun with water and go out and squirt the person noted on their card. Once that mission is accomplished, their victim must turn over his or her card to the shooter – whose new target will now be the person on that new card.
The person who collects the most cards at the end of the week is dubbed “Tommie Most Wanted” and will receive a large crazy super soaker along with two free passes to Valleyfair. Certain rules and regulations will apply.
Sign-up today or by the deadline at noon Friday, April 21. You can sign up by e-mailing the Residence Hall Association, visiting the RHA Web site or signing your name and information on the sheet at the RHA office in Room 108, Koch Commons. Participants should include their name, e-mail address, room number on campus, and mobster alias.
Participants can pick up their equipment at the RHA office from 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday, April 23. The winner will be announced during the Spring Fling dance on Saturday, April 29.
The “Tommies Most Wanted” game is free and sponsored by the RHA.