Santa Loan Special Available Nov. 19-Dec. 22

The St. Thomas Employee Federal Credit Union will be offering the always popular Santa Loan Special to any member in good standing who has a Equifax credit score of 600 or higher starting Nov. 9. The Santa Loan Special will be available through Dec. 22.

Credit union members can borrow up to $1,200 for 12 months at an interest rate of 10 percent. Bi-weekly payments will be around $48.50 per payroll deduction while monthly payments will be around $105.

Please note that this is a “no exception” loan; the loan will be denied if the member has a credit score of less than 600.

Want to plan ahead for Christmas 2016? This is the perfect time to sign up for our Christmas Club account. Monies can be taken out by payroll deduction or deposits by check. Members receive a dividend payable at the end of October and checks are distributed the first week of November. Watch out for those bright green envelopes that will be appearing in some our members' mailboxes soon.

Loan applications, as well as payroll deduction forms, can now be downloaded from the credit union’s website.