Need a break from making phone calls and typing e-mails to finish last-minute tasks? Join Conie Borchardt, former circulation manager at O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center, to relax and stimulate your brain cells by singing rounds, invigorating African chants and spirituals in the age-old aural tradition. All you need to bring is your voice, some water and a song to share if you're so inclined.
Sing for a song or two or just sit and listen with your lunch. Sing Heavenly Harmony will meet from noon to 1 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 1, in the O'Shaughnessy Room (Room 108), O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center. All are welcome.
To find future sings go to the Points of Life Music website and click on Public Events. To schedule a sing, e-mail Points of Light Music.