Late Wednesday night, students reported finding a racist word traced in dust on a bathroom window in the Ireland residence hall. The students reported the incident immediately, although it was not clear when the message was written, nor how many students saw it before it was reported. Public Safety is actively investigating, which includes reviewing video footage, interviewing residents, and updating and consulting with St. Paul Police. We are asking any community members with knowledge of the incident to contact any of the following departments to report it immediately:
- Public Safety (651-962-5555)
- Online Bias Reporting Site (reports may be made anonymously)
- Dean of Students Office (651-962-6050)
- Public Safety Tips Line (651-962-TIPS or – reports may be made anonymously)
This incident is painful for our community. In the next two days, there will be several opportunities on campus for discussion and support:
- Today from 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., multi-cultural counselor Phil Rosier will be available for a listening session at the Student Diversity and Inclusion Center (SDIS) at the Intercultural Center (ASC 230)
- Counselors will hold a Let’s Talk session at 1 p.m. in OSF Library Room 406
- A Teach-In session sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences and the School of Education will be held from 2:30 – 4:00 p.m. in the OEC Auditorium
- Tonight, College of Arts and Sciences Dean Yohuru Williams will lead a gathering at 6:30 p.m. outside Ireland Hall to reclaim the space and reaffirm our values.
- Tomorrow, a Purple Couch session will be held from 2 p.m. – 3 p.m. at the SDIS offices (ASC 227)
Campus community members also can access additional resources here.
We’re grateful the students reported this incident. We all play a part in helping to build an inclusive culture at St. Thomas. Conduct like this demeans the entire campus community and will not be tolerated. We will continue to aggressively investigate and take strong disciplinary action against individuals who are found to be involved.