Study abroad: Note courses open for June and Study Abroad Fair on Thursday

Study abroad: Note courses open for June and Study Abroad Fair on Thursday

You are invited to the Study Abroad Fair from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. this Thursday, Feb. 16, in Campus Square, lower level, Murray-Herrick Campus Center.

Here are some things you can learn about at the fair:

  • January Term 2007 programs
  • Semester and year programs
  • Work abroad opportunities
  • Internship programs
  • UST-sponsored programs

There is still time to apply to study abroad in June 2006. Here are two undergraduate and three graduate courses that still are open:


  • International Social Welfare and Public Policy: Bristol, England (UST). Apply by April 1 (hurry, the priority application date was Feb. 1).
  • Post-Marx Central and Eastern Europe (UMAIE). Apply by Feb. 21.


  • Business Law and Ethics in the European Union (BLAW 714). Apply by March 1.
  • Ethics, Culture and Business: A European Perspective in a Global Economy (MGMT 703). Apply by March 1.
  • International Social Welfare and Public Policy: Bristol , England (UST). Apply by April 1. (Hurry, the priority application date was Feb. 1.)

Details and applications are available on the Study Abroad Web page.