Summer 2007 Young Scholars Award applications due March 29

Summer 2007 Young Scholars Award applications due March 29

The UST Undergraduate Research and Collaborative Scholarship program announces a call for applications for Young Scholars awards, summer 2007. The application deadline is Thursday, March 29, 2007.
These grants support significant research, scholarship and creative activity by undergraduates working closely with faculty advisers over a 10-week period in the summer. The URCS program, with additional support from the Bush Grant for faculty development, awards student stipends of $4,000 for the summer; faculty advisers receive $500.

Be sure to consult the guidelines for the preparation and review of Young Scholars applications, at the URCS Web site.

For more information, visit the URCS Web site at the address given above, or contact the URCS director, Jennifer Cruise, (651) 962-5236.