Task force created on global education
From Dr. Angeline Barretta-Herman
Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
The Academic Affairs Office with the directors of International Programs, the Faculty Grants Office and Faculty Development announce the establishment of a Task Force on Global Education.
This task force is charged with developing a long-term plan for integrating international perspectives into the teaching, research and service missions of the university. The plan will propose policies regarding the allocation of resources, develop strategies to realize cost efficiencies, explore ways of benefiting from economies of scale and scope, create venues for international recruitment, and broadly consider ways to enhance the ability of the faculty and students to become globally aware citizens through international learning, teaching, scholarship and community engagement.
The task force consists of six faculty who, because of their interest and experience, can address a wide range of international educational programs, curriculum initiatives, research efforts and service activities. The members will consult widely with faculty and academic deans.
Nominations for the committee were solicited from the deans, the Faculty Affairs Committee, and the Academic Affairs Office. Dr. Camille George, Dr. Britain Scott, Dr. Lon Otto, Dr. Kevin Sauter, Dr. Kris Bunton and Dr. Carlos Badessich have agreed to serve. Thanks goes out to all who submitted nominations and all who considered serving on this important committee.