Today is National Meth Awareness Day
"According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, methamphetamine use rose from just under 2 percent of the adult population in 1994 to approximately 5 percent in 2004. Unlike many other illegal drugs, meth appeals equally to men and women. All of the national data sets show an almost equal gender split for self-reported meth use. Users also tend to be white and in their 20s and 30s. Meth has acute toxic effects and can produce long-term physiological problems." This information is taken from Methamphetamine Use: Lessons Learned by Dana Hunt, Sarah Kuck and Linda Truitt.
Today, Nov. 30, is National Methamphetamine Awareness Day. There is a coordinated effort not only to reach potential meth users with a message of prevention, but also to educate current users about the programs available to them.
As part of National Methamphetamine Awareness Day, Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales will host a national event with federal, state, local and community leaders to discuss the broader impact that meth production and use is having on our communities. Across the nation, U.S. attorneys, along with state and local leaders, will coordinate a variety of educational events targeting their specific communities.
Visit the U.S. Department of Justice Web site to learn about meth and its effects.