It's on! The Third Annual Tommie vs. Auggie Fitness Challenge starts Feb. 13.

Are the last vestiges of the holidays still clinging to your waistline? Participating in the third annual Tommie vs. Auggie Fitness Challenge is a great way to start forming a habit of regular exercise.

Research shows that a forming a habit of moderate exercise takes on average 66 days. This 12-week fitness contest begins Monday, Feb. 13, and continues through Friday, May 4. Faculty and staff are invited to form teams of five to 11 people. All team members must be employees of the University of St. Thomas.

Team members log their daily exercise minutes online, through text messaging or on their smart phones. The school that logs the most minutes among their teams wins the competition.

This year St. Thomas will team up with the Alliance for a Healthier Minnesota to track individual and team progress. Team's also may track how they measure against other Minnesota teams competing in the challenge.

You don't have to be competitive to participate. Just log your physical activity each week and you're done.

Registration is now open, and signing up is easy. First, designate a team captain.

Captains, visit 2012 Health Challenge online, where you will be able to invite team members. Setting  up your team page is easy:

  • Under "Affiliation": Click on the "Colleges and Universities"
  • Under "Choose your Division," choose "Exercise Minutes"
  • Under "Challenge Enrollment," create your team and team name. You must enter "UST" before your team name in order to track St. Thomas' points separately from Augsburg's points. For example: "UST-Yarn Tamers" or "UST-Development Office," etc.
  • Click on the tab, “I want to keep my team limited to those that I invite”
  • You will then be directed to a screen where you may add your teammates. They will be invited to accept and complete their individual profiles.

Questions? Want to participate but can’t find a team? Contact Lisa Keiser, (651) 962-5982.