UST in the news
Here's a roundup of recent St. Thomas mentions of interest in various media.
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- “UnitedHealth extended its stock-options bounty to directors,” Star Tribune, April 19, 2006. “The latest trade occurred two weeks ago when directors William Spears and Thomas Kean each sold 32,000 shares of UnitedHealth stock at the market price of $53.60 after paying an option price of $6.83 a share. Both netted nearly $1.5 million. ‘That's ridiculous,’ said Fred Zimmerman, a retired manufacturing professor at the University of St. Thomas and expert in corporate governance who has experience as a director. ‘The whole issue of executive compensation is out of whack, particularly at UnitedHealth.’”
- “Tyco exec makes the rounds spreading the word on corporate ethics,” Star Tribune, April 19, 2006. “The first step toward recovery was a near-total housecleaning of company leaders – the old board of directors and 290 of 300 corporate employees were replaced by early 2003, Eric Pillmore told an audience of business leaders gathered by the University of St. Thomas, the Center for Ethical Business Cultures and the Minnesota chapter of the National Association of Corporate Directors.”
- “St. Thomas sets rooming limits,” Star Tribune, April 20, 2006.
- “St. Thomas rules unmarried staff can't share room on student trips,” St. Paul Pioneer Press, April 20, 2006.
- See also: “Separate rooms for unmarried partners on trips, says University of St. Thomas,” St. Paul Pioneer Press, April 19, 2006. Links to feedback on this story also are posted on this page.
- “St. Thomas Upholds Travel Policy for Unmarried Couples,” WCCO Radio, April 20, 2006.
- “University of St. Thomas issues new travel policies,” KARE-TV, April 19, 2006.
- “New St. Thomas travel policy restricts unmarried partners on student trips,” The Catholic Spirit, April 20, 2006.
- “Letters,” The Catholic Spirit, April 20, 2006. A reader wonders why St. Thomas has classes on Holy Thursday.
- “Extraterrestrial life talk,” St. Paul Pioneer Press, April 20, 2006 .
- “UnitedHealth pay for senior management raising eyebrows,” KARE-TV, April 20, 2006. “A former University of Saint Thomas business professor calls corporate board membership a ‘part-time’ job. ‘They're not entitled to excessively high compensation for what they do,’ scoffs Fred Zimmerman. Zimmerman has served or is serving on more than a dozen boards of directors himself. ‘You know, a few thousand shares a year, you know, that's maybe about par for a New York Stock Exchange type company, but tens of thousands, that's inappropriate.’ More alarming to Zimmerman is a practice of allowing senior management and possibly board members to ‘back date’ the stock options. ‘I have never, ever heard of anyone being able to pick the date for an option to be granted.’”
- “College cancels marijuana festival,” St. Paul Pioneer Press, April 21, 2006. “[Macalester College student] Organizers had distributed fliers at the University of St. Thomas and the University of Minnesota, among other off-campus sites.”
- “Independence of UnitedHealth's directors questioned,” St. Paul Pioneer Press, April 22, 2006. “David Durenberger, who heads the National Institute of Health Policy at the University of St. Thomas, charges that the board has rubber-stamped liberal stock option policies that have enriched McGuire and others at the Minnetonka-based health care giant. He calls the directors ‘worshipful’ of McGuire.”
- “Letters from readers,” Star Tribune, April 22, 2006. A reader weighs in on the travel policy decision.
- “Sunday Super Shooter,” St. Paul Pioneer Press, April 23, 2006. Sports columnist Charley (“Shooter”) Walters writes, “University of St. Thomas sophomore golfer John Treacy, 5 feet 11, 180 pounds and the son of former Gophers golfer Kevin Treacy, recorded a 410-yard drive on the 395-yard par-4, 14th hole in a recent tournament at Lake Creek Country Club in Storm Lake, Iowa. He had a strong wind at his back.
- “This and that on a Monday: Opinnuendo,” St. Paul Pioneer Press, April 24, 2006. From the editorial page: “Catholic schools have the right to make their own rules about sleeping arrangements on school trips. … ”
- “St. Thomas leader courageously took principled route,” Star Tribune, April 24, 2006. Columnist Katherine Kersten favors Father Dennis Dease’s decision on the travel policy.
- “Outside consultant,” Star Tribune, April 24, 2006. Answers to business questions are provided for this weekly column by the John M. Morrison Center for Entrepreneurship St. Thomas.
- “Recent winners,” Poets & Writers Magazine, May/June 2006. “Dennis O'Driscoll of Dublin, Ireland, won the 10th annual Lawrence O'Shaughnessy Award for Poetry. His most recent book is New and Selected Poems (Anvil Press, 2004). The $5,000 prize is given to honor an Irish poet.”
- “Sports briefs,” Star Tribune, April 25, 2006. “The Gophers/St. Thomas baseball game, which was suspended because of rain and lightning April 18, will be completed at 6 p.m. May 2 at Siebert Field.”
- “Patrick Reusse: Mahtomedi's Dan Rasmussen hangs tough,” Star Tribune, April 25, 2006. The UST pitcher lost his dad to cancer April 14 but was on the mound the next day.
- “Letters from readers,” Star Tribune, April 25, 2006. Readers, including Dr. Andrew Scheiber of the St. Thomas English Department, respond to Katherine Kersten's column on the travel policy.
- “Did a more experienced adversary ever help you?” Minnesota Lawyer, April 24, 2006. This column’s author, Neil Hamilton, is a professor of law and director of the Center for Ethical Leadership in the Professions at the University of St. Thomas School of Law. Subscribe to Minnesota Lawyer at or use Lexis-Nexis to find the full text.