UST in the News

UST in the news

Here's a roundup of recent St. Thomas mentions of interest in various media. Read the stories by clicking on the links. Links do expire and change as papers move stories to "archive" status, and if links have expired, you're welcome to purchase access to the stories or use a search engine such as Lexis Nexis, available on the UST Libraries' Web site. In some cases, you'll need to register on the publication's Web site in order to access full text.

The list below is by no means exhaustive.   If you see a story about St. Thomas and would like us to include mention of it, be sure to drop us a note at .

  • Iraq war veteran and Twin Cities native runs to raise money for wounded vets, St. Paul Pioneer Press, July 4, 2009. "[Matt] Cavanaugh grew up in St. Paul and moved to Woodbury before graduating from high school. He went on to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and the University of St. Thomas law school."
  • "ThreeSixty: Many, many thanks," Star Tribune, July 4, 2009. "These articles and photos were produced by the 15 high school students who participated in the ThreeSixty Summer Journalism Workshop at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul from June 14 to 26."
  • "Editorial: A state bank fails, but system passes," Star Tribune, July 5, 2009. "David Vang, chairman of the Department of Finance at the University of St. Thomas, agrees. 'I don't know if it's a cultural thing, but even our major banks that are centrally located here like US Bank and Wells Fargo didn't seem to extend themselves, either. So we weren't all chasing each other to the bottom of the barrel.'"
  • "Americans believe in lifelong marriage, but don't live it, speaker says," Catholic News Service, July 6, 2009. "Titled 'Becoming a Marriage-Building Church: Implementing the U.S. Bishops' Pastoral Initiative on Marriage,' the conference offered a range of workshops and featured national speakers on marriage-related issues. It was held June 25-28 at the University of St. Thomas."
  • "WCCO-TV Marks 60 Years on the Air," WCCO-TV, July 6, 2009. "'Has it lost its journalistic chops? No, I don't think so,' said [Dave] Nimmer, who became a journalism professor at the University of St. Thomas. 'When the 35W bridge collapses, they get on the air and they do it well.'"
  • "MOA is working harder for every dollar, Star Tribune, July 6, 2009. "The mall's push to promote itself on multiple fronts is a key reason it is still attracting 40 million people a year, even 17 years after opening, retail experts say. 'It has a different shopping appeal, not only for its sheer size, but for its uniqueness,' said David Brennan, a University of St. Thomas professor who co-wrote a study in 2003 that showed that nearly 40 percent of the mall's stores were unique to the region. That compared with about 30 percent at Maplewood Mall and 10 percent at Rosedale Center."
  • "Harriet Burns, 89, was pioneering educator," Star Tribune, July 6, 2009. "In 1973, Burns was invited to the then-College of St. Thomas to create master's degree programs to train teachers to work with emotionally troubled and learning-disabled students. She would become the first woman to become a full professor at the school, her family said. She retired from the university in 1989 and, in 2005, was named professor emeritus."
  • " Targeting cancer cells," Star Tribune, July 6, 2009. "IGF Oncology has raised about $130,000 from angel investors and the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul. The company has completed a small animal study and is looking to raise $5 million to fund a Phase I human clinical trial."
  • "Here's how to write like you mean it," Star Tribune, July 6, 2009. "The expert says: Avinash Malshe, assistant marketing professor at the University of St. Thomas Opus College of Business, said Berry has an interesting product that meets a definite need. 'It's one of the most important skills that any manager should have,' Malshe said of business writing. 'Many times you see many great business ideas not making it because they're poorly written or because your audience does not understand what you want to communicate.'"
  • "How do I start a consulting company?" Star Tribune, July 6, 2009. Here's an installment of the weekly business question-and-answer column featuring experts from St. Thomas' Opus College of Business.
  • "ABA Recognizes Pro Bono Work by Lawyers in First National Celebration," American Bar Association, July 8, 2009. "As part of the National Pro Bono Celebration Week, former Vice President Walter Mondale will speak during an Oct. 30 Civil Gideon continuing legal education
    program sponsored by the Minnesota State Bar at the University of St. Thomas Law School in Minneapolis."
  • "Older Mauer Brother Watches and Waits," The New York Times, July 13, 2009. "Jake Mauer always had an idea of how good he was, and wasn't. After four years playing in his hometown at the University of St. Thomas, he played another five with the Twins as a good-field, no-hit infielder whose elbow injury ruined his career at 27."
  • "Editorial: Carefully consider housing data," Star Tribune, July 15, 2009. "All the same, another seasoned observer, real estate professor George Karvel of the University of St. Thomas, is skeptical of the two-market concept. 'There is only one market for housing,' he said. 'Every individual house that is for sale influences the price of all other homes. There are expensive homes. There are cheap homes. And they all influence and play one against each other.'"
  • "Blatz's service honored," Star Tribune, July 15, 2009. "[Judge Kathleen] Blatz stepped down from the bench in January 2006, but she hasn't retired. She's active as an arbitration judge, sits on a number of community and corporate boards, and recently completed a stint as chair of the University of St. Thomas law school's board of governors."
  • "Twin Cities banks buy out of federal bailout," Finance and Commerce, July 16, 2009. "Both financial institutions were critical of the government program, but David Vang, chairman of the financial department at the University of St. Thomas, said the bailout served an important purpose: Restoring a measure of confidence in the financial system during a very uncertain period."
  • "SuperTarget planned for Woodbury now on hold," Minneapolis-St. Paul Business Journal, July 17, 2009. "As retailers like Target have scaled back their expansion plans, they've become more selective of which deals they pursue and started to seek more concessions from developers, said Dave Brennan, co-director of the Institute for Retailing Excellence at the University of St. Thomas. Similarly, many existing tenants are pushing landlords for rent reductions. 'It's a sign of the times,' Brennan said. 'The momentum has very clearly shifted away from the developers to the tenants or anchors.'"