Volunteers for Inclusive Programs (VIPs) internship program established to support Institutional Diversity
The Office of Institutional Diversity invites applications from University of St. Thomas students interested in serving as “diversity ambassadors” or Volunteers for Inclusive Programs. As part of our efforts to increase awareness and campus participation in diversity and inclusion programs and initiatives, individuals chosen as OID VIPs will serve as a group of professional student leaders that assist with coordinating, promoting, collaborating and supporting a variety of functions related to diversity opportunities and events for the entire UST community.
Up to three student VIPs will be selected this year to serve from October to May. Applicants must have a minimum cumulative 2.8 GPA and be in good social standing with the university. Applications may be picked up in OID beginning Wednesday, Oct. 1. Applications are due Friday, Oct. 10. Applicants must commit at least 40 hours per semester in this paid internship program. Students who are overextended in other areas are not encouraged to apply. The OID VIPs internship requires motivation, commitment and accountability. A $500 stipend will be paid in two disbursements.
The mission of the OID VIPs is to promote, coordinate, collaborate, support and reflect on diversity and inclusion programs and initiatives for the UST-Twin Cities community, especially students. With this is mind, the OID VIPs strive to:
- educate UST students on becoming more active with broader diversity and inclusion,
- strengthen healthy awareness among students, faculty and staff about the importance of being engaged with diversity and inclusion programs and initiatives, and
- expand and support OID diversity and inclusion efforts on campus .
For more information e-mail me at LTPOTTER@stthomas.edu.