The Wellness Center realizes that in the beginning of the school year students are busy getting to know roommates, teachers, new friends, teammates, classmates, and even department staff members.
"But we don’t want you to forget about us," said Alaura Kramer of the Wellness Center. "We have created an easy and fun way for students to get to know who we are and what we do at the Wellness Center – a mini quiz! Don’t worry – you won’t receive a grade for this quiz but you will receive a prize for participating."
Answer the few questions on the mini quiz, print it, and bring it to the Wellness Center to receive a prize. Prizes are limited; a printout is required to receive a prize. The center is located in lower level of Koch Commons, next to the Pit Stop.
Answer the few questions on the mini quiz, print it, and bring it to the Wellness Center to receive a prize. Prizes are limited; a printout is required to receive a prize. The center is located in lower level of Koch Commons, next to the Pit Stop.
"Can’t wait to meet you all!" Kramer enthused.