Woodlands and High Plains Traditional Powwow is Saturday
The N.A.T.I.V.E. Committee of HANA invites the St. Thomas community on a trip to the 19th annual Woodlands and High Plains Traditional Powwow Saturday, March 15 (the first weekend of spring break), in Memorial Auditorium at Concordia College, Moorhead, Minn.
Participants will attend the powwow during the day: The grand entries will be held at 1 and 7 p.m. and supper break will begin at 4:45 p.m. The UST group will lodge overnight and return to UST Sunday morning, March 16. Transportation will be determined once there is an estimate of the number of people attending.
This event is free and open to UST students and friends. HANA will cover the cost of admission and lodging; a $15 deposit will be refunded upon attendance.
Register early; the last chance to sign up is 4 p.m. Wednesday, March 12. To register, send an e-mail to Ciedrick Griggs or stop by the HANA office in Room 112, Murray-Herrick Campus Center.
A powwow is a celebration of life and tradition. The intention behind this event is to provide a chance for students to experience a part of the American Indian culture.
Featured powwow guests are:
- Mickey Hodges, White Earth, master of ceremonies
- B. J. Rainbow, Standing Rock/Spirit Lake, arena director
- Ambrose Littleghost, Spirit Lake, spiritual leader
- FM Community Veterans, honor guard
This event is co-sponsored by Concordia College, North Dakota State University and Minnesota State University at Moorhead.
For more information about the powwow, contact Mary John, (218) 287-5433 or Angela Seewald, Concordia College, (218) 299-4267.