Professional notes
Dr. Phil Anderson, Management Department, College of Business, and co-authors Dr. Tim Scott and Dr. John Kaliske, Minnesota State University-Mankato, recently signed a contract with Houghton Mifflin for the Web-based management simulation "Micromatic: A Strategic Management Simulation," which models the managing of an international business. Class testing at four U.S. universities was recently completed, and the software is available for adoption in senior-level and MBA strategic management courses beginning in January.
Dr. Pedro Cordova, Modern and Classical Languages Department, was named recently one of "25 on the Rise" by the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Minnesota. The "25 on the Rise" program honors and encourages Hispanic leaders under 40 years old and inspires the development of tomorrow's leaders, too. Selection criteria include community involvement, ethics and integrity, as well as achievement and leadership credentials. This year's honorees included 13 women and 12 men; among them were business executives, educators, lawyers, a musician and a diplomat.
Dr. Ellen Kennedy, Service-Learning, serves on the board of directors of the Rotary Club of Edina and chairs the International Service Committee. She recently received a grant to develop an earthen dam for access to clean water in Ming'yeni, Tanzania. The grant, totaling more than $70,000, is a collaboration of the local Edina Rotary Club, international Rotary support and funds from the government of Tanzania and the World Bank.
Dr. Lon Otto, English Department, is the author of two recently published short stories. His story "What is Son?" was published in the summer 2005 issue of Prairie Schooner, a national quarterly of fiction, poetry, essay and review. (Dr. Leslie Miller, English Department, is the author of three poems published in the same issue.) Otto's other story, "Such Fire," appeared in the fall issue of Great River Review, Minnesota's oldest continuously published literary journal. His short story "The Old Truth" has been selected for inclusion in the anthology Flash Fiction Forward, to be published by W.W. Norton & Co. next year.
Dr. Shirley Polejewski, Accounting Department, College of Business, presented two papers and moderated a section of management accounting presentations at the 17th Asian Pacific Accounting Conference last month in Wellington, New Zealand. Three hundred and fifty participants representing 30 countries presented 149 papers at the conference, hosted by Victoria University of Wellington and co-hosted by Fresno State University, California.