IRT announces the suspension of support for Alpha system services beginning July 1
From Information Resources and Technologies
The Alpha system, which may also be referred to as Hobbes,, Calvin,, Alpha Admin Connection, SIS, HRS, FRS, ADS, FOCUS, Focus Mail, ALLIN1, VAX,, and is in the final stages of a planned decommissioning by IRT. As a part of the phase-out process, beginning Saturday, July 1, IRT will no longer support services on the Alpha system.
The Alpha system
The Alpha system has served St. Thomas well. The first Alpha system was implemented in January 1995. Over the years the servers have been replaced by newer Alpha systems, but the name Calvin and Hobbes always has remained.
The Alphas have been the main system for administrative computing at the university. Hobbes ran SIS, HRS, ADS, FRS, FOCUS and ALLIN1. Calvin ran the student e-mail system and course specific applications.
What is happening?
The Alpha system was replaced with the Banner environment and other systems, which include Cognos, Data Warehouse (ODSP) and Outlook/Exchange. The Banner conversion was completed in fall 2004. Since then, IRT has been working on converting the remaining applications and data housed on the Alpha system. The FOCUS file and PRIME conversions this spring complete these efforts.
How will this affect you?
Most of the university community will not be affected by the suspension of support for the Alpha system. The impact of this phase-out will be minimal, as most projects already have been migrated from the Alpha system as part of the planned decommissioning.
If you are still using the Alpha system or have questions please contact the IRT Tech Desk, (651) 962.6230.