The Business 200 program is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. We want to celebrate the amazing things that St. Thomas BUSN200 students have accomplished in the community over the past 20 years.
By the end of this year more than 10,000 students will have completed BUSN200, contributing more than 400,000 hours of service at more than 4,000 service sites in more than 20 countries! If taxpayers had paid for that same amount of service, at today’s minimum wage, it would have cost us more than $2.5 million.
In order to properly celebrate the amazing accomplishments that have taken place over the past 20 years, the new BUSN200 Center is hosting a 2oth anniversary celebration week! We invite you to come celebrate on the appropriate day listed below. Thanks to all who have been involved during the 20 great years of this amazing program, and we're looking forward to seeing you all next week!
All of the events this week will be held in the BUSN200 Center, Room 215, McNeely Hall.
Faculty and Staff Day
Monday, March 12
All St. Thomas faculty and staff are welcome to join us anytime from 7 to 10 a.m. for bagels and coffee to start your day off right!
New Program Student Day
Tuesday, March 13
All students currently participating in the BUSN200 program are welcome to join us during convo hour for root beer floats!
Campuswide Day
Wednesday, March 14
Everyone in the St. Thomas community – students, faculty and staff, etc. – is invited to join us anytime from 7 to 10 a.m. for bagels and coffee!
Old Program Student Day
Thursday, March 15
All St. Thomas students are welcome to join us during convo hour for root beer floats!
Community Partner Day
Friday, March 16
Community partner nonprofit organizations are invited to join us from 4 to 6 p.m. for desserts!
And everyday keep your eyes open for exciting giveaways throughout the week!