Professional notes
Four members of the Legal Studies in Business Department faculty participated in the annual conference of the Academy of Legal Studies in Business in August:
- Dawn Swink's paper, "The Perfect Storm of Constitutional Law: A Legal and business Analysis of Same-Sex Marriage," presented by co-author Jordan Halgas, was selected for publication in the proceeds and won the Most Distinguished Proceedings Award.
- Michael Garrison presented his article, "The Evolving Law of Employee Non-Competes: Recent Trends and Alternative Policy Approaches."
- Rick Kunkel presented his article, "Credit Freeze Legislation in the States: A New Tool to Limit the Risks of Identity Theft."
- Susan Marsnik served as a panelist in an IP and Technology Seminar, presenting information on researching foreign and international law. She discussed European Union approaches to data privacy as a member of a panel, "Toward an International Framework for Data Protection." She also organized and moderated a panel discussion, "Views From Across the Pond: A Comparison of U.S. and U.K. Approaches to Corporate Criminal Liability." She was elected president of the organization's International Business Section.
In addition, student Mark Brandenburger presented his paper, "An Examination of Major Professional Sports Leagues: Current, Proposed and Recommended Policies of anabolic Steroid Regulation." The paper was selected for presentation as part of the ALSB Student Paper Competition; Swink and John Wendt were his research advisers.
Dani Roach, O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center, is an artist whose works appear in the exhibit "Northern Routes," which runs through Saturday, Nov. 26, at the Groveland Gallery, 25 Groveland Terrace, Minneapolis. A Wisconsin native, she received her B.F.A. degree from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She has studied at the Instituto Allende, and has completed residencies at the Ragdale Foundation and the Millay Colony. She has received numerous grants and awards, and her works are part of the collections of the Tweed Museum of Art at the University of Minnesota-Duluth and of the Blanden Memorial Art Museum in Fort Dodge, Iowa, and several corporate offices.
James Rogers, Center for Irish Studies, was elected to a second term as president of the Midwest region of the American Conference for Irish Studies at the group's annual meeting Oct. 20-22 at Loras College in Dubuque, Iowa. Rogers also presented a paper, "Dutiful Diffidence: Irish-American Priests' Autobiographies Before Vatican II," at the meeting.
Dr. Frederick Zimmerman, School of Engineering, was a keynote speaker at the Oct. 25 Minnesota Manufacturing Summit along with Gov. Tim Pawlenty and Deputy Secretary of Commerce David Sampson.