The Coordinating Council of the University Advocates for Women and Equity is accepting nominations for three awards that honor those who have taken action in service to women at UST or who have engaged in work focused on women. The deadline for nominations is 5 p.m. Friday, March 8.
The three awards are the Good Sister Award, the Pauline Lambert Advocacy Award, and the Sapientia Award for Creative Work Focused on Women. The first two awards will be given to women on campus, while the third is open to men or women whose work has focused on women. Each award has different categories, reflecting the different constituencies on campus (students, exempt staff, non-exempt staff or faculty members).
Good Sister Award
The Good Sister Award is given to a UST woman who has shown readiness to help and support, in formal or informal ways, the women around her on campus. In making a nomination, describe how the nominee has been a good sister to an individual or a group of women.
Pauline Lambert Advocacy Award
The Pauline Lambert Advocacy Award is given to a UST woman who has taken initiative in challenging problems that exist around gender issues on the UST campus. Nominate a woman who has taken action and challenged the UST community as a whole or members within the community to recognize a gender-related problem on campus.
Sapientia Award for Scholarly or Creative Work Focused on Women
The Sapientia Award for Scholarly or Creative Work Focused on Women (co-sponsored with the Women’s Studies Department and the Luann Dummer Center for Women) is given to a member of the St. Thomas community for an outstanding piece of work that has as its subject or focus a woman or women, or a concern related to women. To nominate a member of the UST community, describe the nominee’s scholarly or creative work that focuses on a woman or women, or on women’s concerns. If possible, include a copy of the work (a photograph of artwork, a copy of a scholarly paper, etc.).
To nominate someone (student, exempt staff, non-exempt staff, or faculty member) for any of these awards, write a one-page letter of nomination and send it to Dr. Susan Myers. Recipients of the awards will be honored at the UAWE spring reception Tuesday, April 23.
Members of the UAWE Coordinating Council are not eligible for these awards. For more information contact a current member: Young-ok An, Beth Bergfield, Vanessa Cornett-Murtada, Liz Dussol, Sue Focke, Amy Kritzer, Susan Myers, Ea Porter, Mary Ann Ryan, Margie Siegel, Paddy Satzer, Lindsay Schwab, Elizabeth Wehner or Sheneeta White.