A lecture on Wednesday, Sept. 21, by Helen Benedict, author, journalist and professor in the Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University, will include a book-signing following her lecture, “Women on the Front Line: War, Trauma and Remorse.”
Benedict’s latest book, Sand Queen, will be available for purchase and signing after her lecture. Soho Press points out that in Sand Queen, "The Iraq war brings two young women – an American soldier and an Iraqi student – face to face. ... As the two women struggle to survive and hold on to the people they love, each comes to have a drastic and unforeseeable effect on the other’s life. Culled from real life stories of female soldiers and Iraqis, Sand Queen offers a story of hope, courage and struggle from the rare perspective of women at war."
Benedict’s lecture will begin at 7 p.m. in the O’Shaughnessy Educational Center auditorium. Focusing on women in the U.S. military, Benedict will give examples to explain why and how war stories are different when they are told by women soldiers. She will discuss the experiences of women at war and what they have to say about war, violence and peace.
The lecture, sponsored by the Luann Dummer Center for Women, and Students for Justice and Peace, is free and open to the public.