Bulletin Today is published daily starting Tuesday, Sept. 6
Bulletin Today is published daily on weekdays during the academic year, except during holidays and spring break.
Deadline for articles is 10 a.m. for publication two workdays later. You may send your articles by e-mail to bulletin@stthomas.edu.
If you want your story published the first week of classes, here's a deadline schedule to help you plan ahead:
Deadline: 10 a.m. on these dates:
Thursday, Sept. 1 (due to Labor Day holiday)
For publication Tuesday, Sept. 6
Friday, Sept. 2 (due to Labor Day holiday)
For publication Wednesday, Sept. 7
Tuesday, Sept. 6
For publication Thursday, Sept. 8
Wednesday, Sept. 7
For publication Friday, Sept. 9
Thursday, Sept. 8
For publication Monday, Sept. 12
Friday, Sept. 9
For publication Tuesday, Sept. 13
Long articles with a lot of formatting or hyperlinks may take more than two days to be published.
Thanks in advance for planning ahead.
The editors:
Patty Petersen, (651) 962-6412
Pat Sirek
Ginnie Lyons
Tom Couillard
Jim Winterer