St. Thomas students will have the opportunity to order personalized business cards through the Student Legacy Committee this week.
To order, visit members of Student Legacy from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 27, through Thursday, April 29, at tables in the lower quad (outside of the Grill). Cards will feature a standard design, but students may personalize the cards by adding basic contact information, up to three extracurricular activities, declared major, graduation year, and one social networking contact address.
Sets of 100 cards will cost $30, which includes a $10 tax-deductible gift to the student’s respective class fund. At the time of purchase, students also will have a chance to sign up for the George and Alice Moskalik Lifetime-Giving Society.
More information can be found on the Student Legacy website. Questions? Contact Kristen Winchell in the Development Office, (651) 962-6944.