Center for Business Excellence announces programs to begin in September
The Center for Business Excellence will offer several programs in September. A 33 percent discount is available to UST alumni and a 75 percent discount is available to UST faculty and staff. For more information or to register, call the Center for Business Excellence, (651) 962-4600, or click on the respective links below.
BOMI: Design, Operation and Maintenance of Building Systems, Part II
Tuesdays, Sept. 5 to Dec. 19, 2006
As part of the Building Owners and Management Institute, this program provides information needed to make management decisions about various building systems and sites – decisions that will increase occupant safety and comfort while facilitating building efficiency.
For more information or to register, visit the Center for Business Excellence Web site.
BOMI: Law and Risk Management
Wednesdays, Sept. 6, 2006 , to Jan. 3, 2007
As part of the Building Owners and Management Institute, this program focuses on important issues concerning torts, contracts, employer-employee relations, property rights and environmental law.
For more information or to register, visit the Center for Business Excellence Web page for this program.
Mini MBA Program
Wednesdays, Sept. 6 to Dec. 13, 2006
This program provides a practical foundation in current business theories and practices. The Mini MBA Program is ideal for those who have not had a formal business education, people who need to update their business skills and education, and anyone considering the pursuit of an MBA at the University of St. Thomas.
For more information or to register, visit the Center for Business Excellence Web page for this program.
Mini Master of Retailing Excellence
Wednesdays, Sept. 6 to Dec. 13, 2006
This program presents the foundations, concepts and techniques that form the basis for the retail industry and shows how the many parts of the retail enterprise interrelate.
For more information or to register, visit the Center for Business Excellence Web page for this program.
Real Estate Investment Certificate Series: Legal Aspects of Investment Real Estate
Thursdays, Sept. 7 to Oct. 5, 2006
The Real Estate Investment Certificate Series, designed in collaboration with the Shenehon Center for Real Estate, is a six-program series, including programs in real estate investment, real estate development, legal aspects of real estate, property management, leasing, and real estate finance.
Legal Aspects of Investment Real Estate explores the major legal principles affecting the sale and purchase of investment real estate. The roles of attorneys, brokers and regulators are reviewed in relation to industry requirements in the sale, leasing and purchase of investment real estate.
For more information or to register, visit the Center for Business Excellence Web page for this course.
Mini Master of Human Capital Management
Thursdays, Sept. 7 to Dec. 14, 2006
This program provides recent concepts and practices in the management of people. Participants will gain the most state-of-the-art ideas and techniques for ensuring maximum employee capability and motivation for their organization.
For more information or to register, visit the Center for Business Excellence Web page for this course.
Mini MBA in Real Estate
Thursdays, Sept. 7 to Dec. 21, 2006
This program is designed for residential real estate agents and brokers with two or more years of experience in real estate and presents a practical multidisciplinary view that helps the learner to gain a broad perspective of the business and technical dimensions of the real estate industry.
For more information or to register, visit the Center for Business Excellence Web page for this course.
Mini Master of Real Estate Development
Thursdays, Sept. 7 to Dec. 14, 2006
The Mini Master of Real Estate Development is designed to meet the needs of both private and public sector developers, architects, builders, attorneys and real estate brokers. This program introduces the major components of real estate development, including residential, multifamily, mixed-use office, industrial and retail property development.
For more information or to register, visit the Center for Business Excellence Web page for this course.
These programs are offered in both open enrollment and custom formats. For more information, contact the Center for Business Excellence at (651) 962-4600 or visit the center’s Web site.