What role do you play in creating an environment that is morally and racially just? Do you value racial and ethnic diversity? If so, how often do you demonstrate those values through your words and actions? Do you want to be an advocate of racial justice and an agent of social change? If you’ve considered any of these questions and want to learn more, sign up for Challenge Day 2011.
Participate in an interactive experience of personal reflection and important dialogue surrounding issues of power, privilege and racial justice with four of the most dynamic diversity educators in Minnesota. Join Alexander Hines, Marcellus Davis, Kenneth Turner and Raul Ramos for their workshop, “The Keys to the Game of Life: Becoming Change Agents in a Global Society.”
Participants will be challenged to reflect upon their own experiences, values and beliefs, while also considering UST’s core convictions, mission and motto: "Challenge Yourself, Change Our World."
Challenge Day will be held from 5 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, March 2, in Room 304, Murray-Herrick Campus Center. Dinner will be provided.
To participate in this event, register individually, or in a team of four, by Wednesday, Feb. 23.
Challenge Day 2011 is sponsored by Multicultural Student Services, the Office of Institutional Diversity, Service-Learning, Tutor-Mentor, Center for Intercultural Learning and Community Engagement, Campus Ministry and University Lectures.