Decorate a shirt for Clothesline Project on violence against women
The Luann Dummer Center for Women and the Women's Circle will sponsor the Clothesline Project (CLP) at St. Thomas, a program started in 1990 on Cape Cod, Mass., to address the issue of violence against women.
CLP is a vehicle for women and men affected by gender violence to express their emotions by decorating a shirt and hanging it on a clothesline to be viewed by others as testimony to the problem of violence against women.
UST staff, students and faculty are invited to decorate shirts and contribute them to the project. The shirts will be on display around campus, beginning Thursday, April 16, in anticipation of the Take Back the Night march and rally on Monday, April 27.
Choose colors to represent different effects of violence:
- White represents women who died because of violence
- Yellow or beige represents battered or assaulted women
- Red, pink and orange are for survivors of rape and sexual assault
- Blue and green T-shirts represent survivors of incest and sexual abuse
- Purple or lavender represents women attacked because of their sexual orientation
- Black is for women attacked for political reasons
Plain or decorated shirts can be dropped off through Wednesday, April 15, in the Luann Dummer Center for Women, Room 103, O'Shaughnessy Educational Center. Supplies also will be available for on-the-spot decorating. The center is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Additional sponsors include: Academic Advising, Athletics, Campus and Residence Life, the Commuter Center, Dean of Students Office, Personal Counseling, Public Safety, Student Health Services, University Advocates for Women and Equality, and the Wellness Center.
Questions? E-mail Amanda Sesker.