Denise Dieffenbach appointed director of Multicultural Student Services
From Jane Canney, vice president for student affairs,
and Karen Lange, dean of students
It is our pleasure to announce that Denise Dieffenbach has agreed to accept the position of director of multicultural student services. Thanks to so many of you who participated in the search process by attending open sessions, hosting lunches or escorting the candidates around campus. Special thanks to the search committee, which included Joe Herrera and Karen Lange as co-chairs along with Alisha Gray, Mari Heltne, Patsy Maloney, Ernest Owens, Yoli Pineda Ruiz, Terry Snyder and Pahoua Yang. The University of St. Thomas community is indeed most fortunate to have hired Denise for this important position.
Denise Dieffenbach
As many of you may know, Denise has worked in the university community since 2002 as assistant director of Campus Life. In this role, her many accomplishments included serving as the co-adviser to the HANA student organization, leading the Soup and Substance staff development series, and helping to implement the annual Culture Fest. In addition, she was a member of the University Diversity Steering Committee, the Center for Community Partnership Matrix and partnered with Faculty Development in hosting various scholars presenting on issues related to race, ethnicity, class and social justice.
Denise received her M.S. in College Student Personnel with an emphasis in student development and counseling from Western Illinois University. Her B.S. is in business administration with a focus on marketing from Minnesota State University at Mankato.
We also want to extend our sincere appreciation to Sister Sharon Howell, who has served as interim director; Lisa Mueller, assistant director; Amanda Forero, administrative assistant, and the student leadership team of Cathryn Baker, Kathy Hartnett, Daphne Ho, Andy Ko, Brenden Lucio, Brad Pulles, Moua Vue and Eileen Ward, who collaborated to provide services in Multicultural Student Services during this search process.
Please join us as we welcome Denise to her new position starting on July 1, 2005. Thank you.