Over the past year, the Office of Human Resources has piloted a leadership program called the Emerging Leaders Institute with 18 participants from various divisions/departments on campus. Human Resources partnered with several departments on campus to build a program that helps staff gain a greater understanding of the university and encourages innovation and collaboration across St. Thomas.
Human Resources considers the program a great success and would like to recognize the inaugural cohort of Emerging Leaders for all of their hard work and dedication this year. The participants that will complete the program in December are:
- Shanna Ames, University Development & Alumni Relations
- Holly Christie, Opus College of Business
- Josh Gallus, Facilities Management
- Tyler Grey, Athletics
- Hannah Hedegard, Opus College of Business
- Manuela Hill-Muñoz, Student Affairs
- John Kinsella, Information Technology Services
- Molly McGraw Healy, College of Education, Leadership & Counseling
- Kate O’Brien, College of Education, Leadership & Counseling
- Dana Peterson, College of Education, Leadership & Counseling
- Patrick Sanchez, University Development & Alumni Relations
- Charlie Schuman, Information Technology Services
- Lou Anne Sexton, University Development & Alumni Relations
- Katelyn Shehu, Controller's Office
- Tim Sullivan, Information Technology Services
- Eric Tornoe, Information Technology Services
- Katie Nelson, Information Technology Services
- Lisa Willems, University Development & Alumni Relations
There was an amazing response for the 2018 cohort and Human Resources received many nominations for the program. This made the decision of who to choose for the program very difficult, which speaks to the number of amazing staff that are dedicated and excited to lead at our institution. The cohort was built to be diverse in various areas such as leadership experience, background, role in the university and expertise. Criteria such as overall impact to the St. Thomas community and new or changing leadership roles were also considered.
The following participants in the second cohort of the program are:
- John Angeli, School of Engineering
- Ryan Blake, Enrollment Management
- Nichole Boehmke, Facilities Management
- Stephanie Carlson, Business Office
- Jerome Duepner, Information Technology Services/Data & Compliance
- Helen Ebert, Marketing, Insights & Communication/School of Law
- Andrea Eckert, Dining Services
- Bryan Gates, Enrollment Management
- Kyle Griffin, Information Technology Services
- Nicole Jackson, School of Law
- David Lemon, Student Affairs
- Meg Manahan, University Libraries
- Kate Metzger, Marketing, Insights & Communication
- Tom Oscanyan, Information Technology Services
- Melissa Palank, University Development & Alumni Relations
- Casey Plante, Treasury
- Ea Porter, College of Education, Leadership & Counseling
- Cynthia Sarver, Social Innovation Collaboratory
- Kim Schumann, Disability Services
- Tori Sellner, University Development & Alumni Relations
- Erin Whipkey, Student Affairs
- Reggie Wright, Public Safety
- Jena Zangs, University Development & Alumni Relations
The program is yearlong commitment and will begin January 2018. It will engage the participants in sessions covering topics such as project management, coaching, decision-making, innovation, change management and inclusion. The program also consists of a mentoring program, one-on-one coaching, a 360 feedback tool and an action-learning project.
If you are interested in the program for the next cohort in 2019, please talk to your supervisor. Due to high interest, Human Resources will make the nomination process and form available through OneStThomas in fall 2018.