Dear Faculty and Staff,
I’m proud to announce this year’s Faculty and Staff Charitable Giving Campaign Oct. 8-12. As many of you know, this is an annual opportunity for St. Thomas faculty and staff to support the common good of the Twin Cities. With efforts underway this month by the Tommies Together Volunteer Center and the Center for the Common Good, our focus is on combating hunger and food insecurity in our region. I hope you will support this change-making campaign in three different ways. Choose your favorite way to help, or choose them all!
Give to United Way.
During the week of October 8-12, make a gift or pledge to United Way. It’s easy and, thanks to payroll deduction, practically painless. To make your gift via payroll deduction, check card or credit card, visit United Way’s online giving portal or call our Office for Mission, (651) 962-5200, for a paper form.
One-time gifts to United Way via payroll deduction will be deducted from your first paycheck of 2019. Or, if you prefer to stretch gift payments over 26 pay periods throughout the year, your first pledge payment will be deducted from your January 4, 2019, paycheck.
More options: There’s a new text-to-pledge mobile option this year, too. Text HUNGER2018 to 51555. United Way will reply with an easy-to-use link to complete your gift.
If you prefer, United Way can bill you semi-annually, quarterly, or once. To give by phone, please call (612) 340-7575; be sure to inform the United Way representative that you wish to make a gift to the University of St. Thomas’ United Way campaign.
Your gift may be tax deductible, and you may designate your gift to a charitable organization of your choice, if you prefer. Unrestricted gifts, however, allow United Way to direct funds where they are needed most.
Donate food for Keystone Community Services’ food shelf.
Fill bins to the brim with nonperishable foods and personal care items for our neighbors in need. You won’t miss the collection bins, which will be available Oct. 8-12 on the St. Paul campus. They look like big soup cans! Volunteers will deliver your donations to Keystone Community Services, which operates food shelves near St. Thomas and throughout St. Paul.
Volunteer with Catholic Charities, preparing and/or serving food to people in need.
Catholic Charities coordinates volunteers at shelters and food-service centers throughout the Twin Cities. Register at Catholic Charities’ St. Thomas volunteer hub to find dates, places and opportunities to help.
Whether time or treasure, your gifts are greatly appreciated. Let’s show the Twin Cities how One University makes a difference, all for the common good!
With my gratitude,
Julie H. Sullivan, Ph.D.